Thursday, April 18, 2019

Welcome to The Music Hole!

Welcome to The Music Hole - a one man project dedicated to being your #1 comprehensive source for the highest quality music, movie, and video game recommendations! My name is Cole and my goal is to find and share what I strongly believe to be the most remarkable works of art in music, movies, and video games (and occasionally books). I’m looking for unforgettable works that grip me right from the start and never let go. Simply put, this website is a database containing all my finds from over 20 years of research. As of 5/8/2023 I've checked out over 72,000 albums and almost 2,900 movies for this database. Hope you find some new favorites!

The Best Albums of All-Time aka CLASSIC Albums (7/10s+):

3 Star Major Classics aka Amazing Albums (10/10s) by Decade:

1960s  1970s  1980s   1990s   2000s   2010s   2020s

3 Star Major Classics aka Amazing Albums (10/10s) by Artist:

#  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M
N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

Honorable Mentions (6/10s):

Bonus Music (5/10s):

Important Information: